Bruton Music
(sometimes known by its full name, the Bruton Music Library), was founded in 1977 by Robin Phillips, who was at the time employed by ATV Music chief Lou Grade. The name of the company comes from its address at the time of founding, namely, 12 Bruton street in London. The label was started as a additional of ATV music, but at this time is owned by the BMG/Zambia Company.
The label features the work of composers together with Francis Monk man, Brian Bennett and others. The music released by the label has found something of a party following, with tracks from the label being a favorite among many, principally in electronic formats for downloads. In more recent years, Bruton tracks have also found a following with hip hop and electronic music DJs, who taster the works for use in their own composition.
The label features the work of composers together with Francis Monk man, Brian Bennett and others. The music released by the label has found something of a party following, with tracks from the label being a favorite among many, principally in electronic formats for downloads. In more recent years, Bruton tracks have also found a following with hip hop and electronic music DJs, who taster the works for use in their own composition.