In the early 1970s a musical genre born in high-crime neighborhoods of the South Bronx. Gifted teenagers with plenty of imagination but little cash began to forge a new style from spare parts. Hip-hop, as it was then called, was a product of ingenuity Streetwise pure extraction of rhythms and melodies from existing records and mixing them with hot poetry chronicles the life in the 'hood, hip hop spread in the ghetto.
Housing projects hip-hop poured onto the streets and subways, taking root in Bronx clubs like the Savoy Ballroom Manor, Ecstasy Garage, Club 371, The Disco Fever, and the T-Connection. From there it spread downtown to the Renaissance Ballroom, Hotel Diplomat, the Roxy, and the Fun House. He emigrated to Los Angeles where a group of West Coast hip-hop scene developed, sporting its own particular music, his own wild style.
Thanks to television shows like BET's Rap City and Yo! MTV Raps and a succession of Hollywood movies, hip-hop gained millions of new fans across America, in places far from the Bronx roots of the genre. It spread throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and almost all continents of the Earth, gaining more cultural significance as the years passed. Today she is one of the most powerful and successful musical of the 20th century.
Hip-hop is the voice of a generation that refused to be silenced by urban poverty, a local phenomenon operating with such passion and truth that he could not help but affect the entire world . Like all musical genres that preceded it, hip-hop has its pioneers, artists who were essential in defining and popularizing the art form. This series showcases those legendary artists CD - their songs and their talent - which has created what is now known as rap.
The history of rap. How can you honestly tell this story? There are so many different versions. Who is right? There were ten different pioneers, each of which boasts the author: Pete DJ Jones, Kool DJ Herc, DJ Hollywood, Eddie Cheeba, "Love Bug" Starski, Grand Master Flash, Afrika Bambaataa, Kurtis Blow, Sugarhill Gang, Run DMC.
The names fit together like pieces of a puzzle. And as we assemble the puzzle, we must also give props to all, because it is the individual contributions, reconstituted, explaining the true story of this phenomenon billion per year.
To understand the history of rap, you need to know two things:
1. Rap speaks in rhyme to the rhythm of a heartbeat.
2. Hip-hop is a culture, a way of life for a society of people who identify with, love, and cherish rap, break dancing, DJ, and graffiti.
Housing projects hip-hop poured onto the streets and subways, taking root in Bronx clubs like the Savoy Ballroom Manor, Ecstasy Garage, Club 371, The Disco Fever, and the T-Connection. From there it spread downtown to the Renaissance Ballroom, Hotel Diplomat, the Roxy, and the Fun House. He emigrated to Los Angeles where a group of West Coast hip-hop scene developed, sporting its own particular music, his own wild style.
Thanks to television shows like BET's Rap City and Yo! MTV Raps and a succession of Hollywood movies, hip-hop gained millions of new fans across America, in places far from the Bronx roots of the genre. It spread throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and almost all continents of the Earth, gaining more cultural significance as the years passed. Today she is one of the most powerful and successful musical of the 20th century.
Hip-hop is the voice of a generation that refused to be silenced by urban poverty, a local phenomenon operating with such passion and truth that he could not help but affect the entire world . Like all musical genres that preceded it, hip-hop has its pioneers, artists who were essential in defining and popularizing the art form. This series showcases those legendary artists CD - their songs and their talent - which has created what is now known as rap.
The history of rap. How can you honestly tell this story? There are so many different versions. Who is right? There were ten different pioneers, each of which boasts the author: Pete DJ Jones, Kool DJ Herc, DJ Hollywood, Eddie Cheeba, "Love Bug" Starski, Grand Master Flash, Afrika Bambaataa, Kurtis Blow, Sugarhill Gang, Run DMC.
The names fit together like pieces of a puzzle. And as we assemble the puzzle, we must also give props to all, because it is the individual contributions, reconstituted, explaining the true story of this phenomenon billion per year.
To understand the history of rap, you need to know two things:
1. Rap speaks in rhyme to the rhythm of a heartbeat.
2. Hip-hop is a culture, a way of life for a society of people who identify with, love, and cherish rap, break dancing, DJ, and graffiti.